Show me a boss and I will show you Mr Constipation

Tuesday;The only joy in what happened was that I was using my own washroom, otherwise the groans and whoosh was for Champions League!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tuesday;The only joy in what happened was that I was using my own washroom, otherwise the groans and whoosh was for Champions League!Wednesday;For days, I have failed to defecate. I eat and drink normally, but the stomach is dry. Yesterday, I pushed and pushed, but only succeeded in wetting my cheeks with tears.Thursday;The third day of this constipation menace and still nothing. Eventually, it comes, but I won’t say what fell in the toilet and how many cisterns of water I flushed to clear the mess.Friday;Hubby insists I must go see a doctor. Well, go see and tell a doctor that I’m failing to do pupu? Sha!Saturday;Imagine you skip 20 minutes of Bayern-Dortmund European final just because you went to the toilet and pushed air only. Will see a doctor tomorrow. This is serious.Sunday;The doctor in Remera says constipation is a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened faeces. He says I increase fibre and liquid intake, drink lots of fluids and do exercise. He also gives me tabs to de-worm.Monday;These days I take a doctor’s advice seriously, after all, they are not like pastors who are only after offertory. So the first thing this morning is not to switch on Al Jazeera for international news, but to do some in-house exercise. The only exercise I ever did in years was sex, but thanks to Mr Constipation, I’m sweating for real!