Police gun down suspected thugs

Police in Kigali killed two men yesterday morning during a crackdown in Nyabisindu Cell of Gasabo District.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Police in Kigali killed two men yesterday morning during a crackdown in Nyabisindu Cell of Gasabo District.

They have been on a hunt of suspected authors of a recent robbery and murder that took place in Rwamagana District’s Musha Sector this week.

Sam Hagenimana and Sylvain Mwishyuza were gunned down in Amarembo (II) village as they tried to escape. Police believe the two to be part of seven suspects behind a spate of robberies and the murder of two people in Musha.

Police spokesperson in Kigali City, Supt Urbain Mwiseneza, confirmed in an interview with The Sunday Times yesterday that the incident that claimed the lives of the suspected criminals took place at around 4:45 a.m. on Saturday morning.

According to the leader of Amarembo (II) village, Pascal Munyaneza, leader of the gang is one, Egide, who went missing three days ago.