You are greater than what people see

I recall, with laughter, how, eight years ago a leading publisher assured me that his company could not publish my book because it would never sell. In his own words, he said “You cannot sell even five hundred copies a year.” I would have accepted his judgement, but the problem I had with him is that he made such a conclusion even without reading the book; he judged me by my age and said I had not accumulated enough wisdom and experience to write a great book. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013
Robert Bake

I recall, with laughter, how, eight years ago a leading publisher assured me that his company could not publish my book because it would never sell. In his own words, he said "You cannot sell even five hundred copies a year.” I would have accepted his judgement, but the problem I had with him is that he made such a conclusion even without reading the book; he judged me by my age and said I had not accumulated enough wisdom and experience to write a great book. 

Well, that very year, I went ahead and published that book and today it has sold more than one hundred thousand copies. It’s called ‘TAPPING GOD’S BLESSINGS: Keys to Open Doors of Success in your Life.” When people underestimate you, it is your opportunity to disprove them by succeeding in that very area. 

I naturally love challenges. If you want me to do something just tell me it cannot be done. I will never allow those who say it cannot be done to stand in my way of doing it. We should not wait upon others for approval before we can unleash our potential. It was his underestimating my potential that pushed me to put in my best efforts into marketing this book. Now I am rejoicing in the results.

I want to assure you that you too can; yes you can do what other people think you can’t do, no matter your background. Bill gates did not complete his university education; in his childhood days, Abraham Lincoln stitched shoes; Steve Jobs used to sleep on the floor in friends’ rooms, returning Coke bottles for food money; the famous Tony Blair used to be referred to as a failure by his teachers. 

Other than God, there is no one who has enough power, wisdom and intelligence to see what is inside you and what you are capable of. There is no one who can meet you walking around and see your dreams and where they are taking you. No one can comprehend the magnitude of the potential that God deposited inside you. 

Never allow anybody to undelook your ability. You are far greater than what anybody can see. So if someone looks at you and thinks (or even says) you cannot make it, just smile at them and continue working on your dream. One day you will surprise them by making it. And when that day comes, those who laughed at you will look for opportunities to laugh with you.

Therefore, never rely on other people to make decision. Know who you are. It’s good to seek advice, but if you wait for support and approval from others all the time, you will live and die pleasing others. For instance, you do not need a clan meeting or prayer group before you can make a decision to reduce your expenditure and save for investment. There are times when you have to act and let the results tell whether you were right or wrong. 

Robert Bake Tumuhaise is the MD, World of Inspiration & founder of the Authors’ Forum in Uganda.