I hate people who…

For sure Facebook must be the source of all modern pet peeves. How else do you explain the folly of someone posting a love message for his grandmother who long lost her sight on Facebook knowing very well that she will not be able to read it? Yes we get it that you love her but you are also telling is that you are lazy and stupid. Get off your cheap phone and go visit her. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

…post messages on Facebook for people who will never see them. For sure Facebook must be the source of all modern pet peeves. How else do you explain the folly of someone posting a love message for his grandmother who long lost her sight on Facebook knowing very well that she will not be able to read it? Yes we get it that you love her but you are also telling is that you are lazy and stupid. Get off your cheap phone and go visit her. Instead of waiting for people to like your empty messages as your grandmother wallows in loneliness. If your old folks are not on Facebook or Twitter do not pretend to love them via social media. Call them or go and visit them. 

…place new car number plates on top of old ones. There is probably no better way to say I am foolish even though I bought a car than that annoying habit I see here in Rwanda of cars having new registration plates placed on top of the old ones. Yes you have seen those cars with the RAC **** plates on top of the blue plates that the car had as it was being imported from Dubai, in the back ground. The owners of such cars are obviously the same people who wear new clothes complete with the label straps still hanging. They are also the ones who buy new phones and leave the polythene film on the screen on as if it a phone screen guard. All I am saying here is that these are essentially the people who left the village but the village never left them.  

…find it ok to speak rudely to receptionists. It is sad that many people walk around having left their brains back home. Take the example of these fools who go to an office but have no decency to greet the receptionist and simply just go ahead to ask "Where is your boss?” Such annoying jokers almost make me wish I could ask "Where is your mother, who should have taught you manners?” Look here part-time thinker, the receptionist is there to help you. He/she is not your servant. Some decency from you is expected. You lose nothing by being kind with your words. Instead of asking, "Where is your boss?” How about you simply tell her that you wish to see the boss, after all you are not paying her to keep the boss for you just in case you show up. Such people clearly deserve to be slapped by a pissed off mountain gorilla.

…drive cars and think that motorcyclists don’t deserve to be on the road. One of these days I think I should become a traffic officer with a licence to slap car drivers. No I do not mean all car drivers just the ones with a stupid sense of importance that think other road users should not be on the road. The ones who for no reason hoot at every motorcycle they see and try to push it off the road so they can pass.  Can someone please tell these brainless chaps that actually motorcycles consume fuel just like your car and have every right to be on the road? More so, they should just hand over their driving licences and go get an education complete with regular beatings.

…drink too much on the last Friday night of the month. Every last Saturday of the month is dedicated to general cleaning in Rwanda. However some part time thinkers use the day to exhibit their foolishness by dedicating it to treating massive hangovers. I am talking about all those folks who drink too much on the Friday night before only to waste away the morning in bed as others are busy contributing to the development of their country. I am compelled to wonder how such drunkards continue to yell ‘Agaciro’ yet they are just cheating the rest of the patriotic Rwandans. You can drink on so many other days and not have to dodge Umuganda for such a drunken reason. Just saying.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293