Is the tattoo fad finally over?

What do all fads have in common? That when one is done with them, they’re disposable. So, you put them away in that box specially designed for embarrassment called ‘the trash bin’, and then pretend that nothing ever happened in the first place.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

What do all fads have in common? That when one is done with them, they’re disposable. So, you put them away in that box specially designed for embarrassment called ‘the trash bin’, and then pretend that nothing ever happened in the first place.Like tattoos. That’s the one drunken, immature, spur of the moment decision that people get stuck with for life. How do you get rid of a tattoo that has surely outlived its usefulness on your body?Well there is laser surgery. For the rich. Very expensive, that is to say. In 2012 tattoo removals worldwide reportedly shot up by 10 per cent. One more silly thing for people with tattoos to spend their money on, after spending their money on the equally questionable thing of getting tattooed in the first place.In these hard economic times, it is worthy of note that tattoo removals still register tremendous growth area. So my tip? Take your life’s savings out, quit work and start up your very own Tattoo Removal business.Are tattoos art? They can be, just as anything done well can be art. A wonderfully made brick wall can be art. An antique bookshelf is art. Even dancing can be art, as obvious as it is.Also, the opposite is true. A terrible painting is not art. Just like a terrible tattoo has negative artistic value. Art takes dedication, deliberation and is original, beautiful and inspirational. It is not your baby’s name, or some tribal design that indicates one sixteenth of your heritage.Some people say that their tattoos serve as reminders of the most important people and moments in their lives. You know what happens with the most memorable things in my life? I remember them.Generally, people tattoo on themselves the qualities that they yearn to possess, but never will. The mild-mannered guy without a spine will definitely go for a tiger tattoo, while the violent partner will have a love heart with his wife’s name, the alcoholic a picture of Jesus. Instead of drawing a picture on yourself of what you want to be, why not just commit to being it?All that said, I’ve seen some truly awesome and original tattoos. But think before you get one. How are you going to feel about it twenty years from now? Would that money be better spent on a holiday? Maybe they’re just not for you. I adore great art, I just don’t see the point of putting it on my skin.