Make names of wealth declaration defaulters public

Editor,We really appreciate the drive of all civil servants to declare their wealth, but it would be good if the list was made public. I believe that corruption can be fought once we become totally transparent.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Editor,We really appreciate the drive of all civil servants to declare their wealth, but it would be good if the list was made public. I believe that corruption can be fought once we become totally transparent. Landry, Kigali, Rwanda****************************The drive for civil servants to declare their wealth is a great step towards fighting corruption but it can only be effective if such a process is made public and inclusive of all civil servants.This drive can greatly be successful if officials from the top become exemplary by leading in this exercise. That will greatly reduce corruption from top to bottom.This is in fact a noble idea that will serve as an example to other African nations in their fight to end corruption that has been a significant hindrance to the continent’s development. Clet Kintu Mugabo, NY, USAReactions to the story, "Defaulters to lose salary over wealth declaration”, (The New Times, May 24)