Can development bring immediate peace to Congo?

The dust has settled after the diplomatic shuttle in this region by the heads of two global institutions who were on an errand to seek the perennial elusive peace in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Friday, May 24, 2013

The dust has settled after the diplomatic shuttle in this region by the heads of two global institutions who were on an errand to seek the perennial elusive peace in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).UN Secretary General, Ban ki-Moon and World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim were on the same flight to DRC, Rwanda and Uganda. While the overall message was the same that has been drummed for decades with no tangible results, Kim had a surprise in his luggage"We need to take united action now because peace will not happen without development, and development will not happen without peace,” he said, and announced a billion dollar package for the Great Lakes region to fund Infrastructure, health and education services, hydro-electric projects and cross-border trade.The bottom line in this action is that poverty and underdevelopment fuel conflict, eliminate the two and peace will land on DRC’s doorstep- really?  Development may not come to DRC in one, three or five years.  So the country cannot afford the luxury of waiting that long.Congo needs peace today, speeches, declarations and sounding war drums will have no effect if there is no goodwill among the belligerents, if they continue to exchange accusations and flex their muscles.What the world should prioritise is dialogue and make sure that the deals struck are strictly adhered to by both sides, exactly what the February signing of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework by 11 nations wanted, otherwise the guns will not remain silent for long.