Adherence to City Master Plan not an option

As the City of Kigali moves to offer construction permit processing services online, other players should play their respective parts in ensuring the intended purpose of the facility – which is expediting the process to acquire the permits—is served.

Friday, May 24, 2013

As the City of Kigali moves to offer construction permit processing services online, other players should play their respective parts in ensuring the intended purpose of the facility – which is expediting the process to acquire the permits—is served.The caution given recently by the official in charge of the One Stop Centre – the office at the city tasked with processing the permits – for applicants for the permits to ensure that their architectural plans conform to the City of Kigali Master Plan, is an indication that quality will not be compromised.     Players like architects, should ensure that the plans they submit to the One Stop Centre on behalf of their clients, are up to the required standards because time will be lost if the plans are rejected on basis of non-compliance to the master plan or in case it is found that they are simply not up to the required standards.The recent disaster in Nyagatare District where six people lost their lives after an incomplete building collapsed is a sad reminder that quality should always maintained and due diligence is required before permits for construction are awarded.There is need to tap into the integration framework on which the country has embarked to ensure that the skills gap that still exist in this sector is bridged, and this should also be an opportunity for our architects and engineers to use the expanded market to increase their knowledge base.