Youth urged to facilitate development in districts

The youth have been urged to help local leaders in mobilising the public to embrace various developmental programmes

Friday, May 24, 2013
Some of the youth at last yearu2019s Youth Convention. The New Times/ File.

The youth  have been urged to help local leaders in mobilising the public to embrace various developmental programmes. Boniface Niyibizi, the in charge of Good Governance in Huye District, said the youth have a crucial role in the implementation of the districts’ development plans. He was on Wednesday addressing district youth representatives attending a two-day capacity building workshop on public policy and monitoring. The training was organised by Never Again Rwanda (NAR), a youth-based human rights and peace-building organisation, with support from the Rwanda Governance Board. "We expect you to help in sensitising members of the communities within which you live,” Niyibizi told the youth representatives.He urged them to seize every opportunity, such as meetings at village level and the monthly community work, Umuganda, to make interventions and encourage  local residents to embrace developmental programmes. Niyibizi said as young and skilled individuals they know how to challenge members of their communities and know how to better address them than anyone else. He also challenged them to work very hard, be innovative and start income generating activities to improve their welfare and offer employment to other members of the society. He advised them to encourage the youth to join cooperatives and promised support for their initiatives. Eric Mahoro, NAR’s programmes director, said the workshop was organised to improve the youth participation in the conception, implementation and monitoring of district development plans to foster accountability among local leaders.