Editorial: Sometimes it’s just best to act your age

Like last week today’s Mag is all about the holidays. Our FOCUS and MAIN STORY this week present us with different ways students choose to spend those precious moments out of school.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Like last week today’s Mag is all about the holidays. Our FOCUS and MAIN STORY this week present us with different ways students choose to spend those precious moments out of school.

On the one hand we have young girls engaging in inappropriate relations with older men and on the other we have a conscientious young man who used his holiday time to earn enough money to buy himself a laptop, an investment he believes will benefit his future.

It’s not for me to lecture you on what to do with your free time. But is might be worth asking yourself which of the above categories do you want to belong?

The young always want to grow up fast, once older we wish we could be young. There is a balance to be struck. We should look to the future but not wish time away.

Teenage years are precious years. Term time is for school, for tests and exams, but holidays are for you. Free from many of life’s responsibilities, that will catch up with one day soon, it’s a time to enjoy being who you are and not trying to be someone or something else.

So for now kick back and simply act your age. See you next week.
