Would you let a woman pay half the bill? (I’m not her sugar daddy)

It’s normal to pay the whole bill on the first, second and maybe even fifth date. But after things are serious, why keep footing the bill solo? If she doesn’t have enough money then that is fine, but if we are both working and are in the position to spend some money in a restaurant somewhere, then I’m sorry but both of us will have to chip in.

Thursday, May 23, 2013
Patrick Buchana

It’s normal to pay the whole bill on the first, second and maybe even fifth date. But after things are serious, why keep footing the bill solo? If she doesn’t have enough money then that is fine, but if we are both working and are in the position to spend some money in a restaurant somewhere, then I’m sorry but both of us will have to chip in.I totally have to say that the idea of having a guy pay the whole bill is so old fashioned. I really do appreciate the fact that many times I split the bill with my girlfriend and she actually loves it. Sometimes I offer to pay it all and she refuses, and at times she even gets mad and we end up fighting about it. Guys who always claim they always pay 100% of the bill are the same hypocrites who forge sickness just because they are broke. I don’t have to turn down a pizza date with my girlfriend just because I don’t have money. I will talk to her so we can figure something out. Paying the whole bill all the time is another way of saying that communication in the relationship still lacks. Trust me, when a guy is pulling out money from his wallet all the time, many things go through his mind, including the fact that he wishes he had someone to help him out.  If a lady simply looks on every time he pays the bill then she has issues too. If women are allowed to be that irresponsible then that makes me a sugar daddy to her. Actually I would be scared if my girlfriend felt no shame in letting me pay the bill all the time yet she participates in the eating! Any reasonable lady wouldn’t let that happen unless she is chilling with her sugar daddy. So if your girlfriend does that then think about what she actually calls you in your absence. Now what happens if she starts earning a larger salary than mine? Am I supposed to give up the little money in my wallet to please her while as she spends hers buying clothes online? I seriously doubt that would turn out well. My girlfriend actually foots the whole bill sometimes, and its okay because that’s what partners do, they come through when the other can’t.  I’m her boyfriend not her sugar daddy, so let’s be fair.