The country has what it takes, its own people

President Paul Kagame has a knack of explaining complicated matters in very simple terms. The message hits home in a flash, be it political economic or even every day issues.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

President Paul Kagame has a knack of explaining complicated matters in very simple terms. The message hits home in a flash, be it political economic or even every day issues.

During the just concluded Rwanda Day that was held in London, Kagame informed the world that despite Rwanda’s geographical smallness, it was not small in stature because it had its people. He said Rwandans weathered many storms courtesy of their decency, dignity and resilience.

According to him, the problems we had in Rwanda are owned by us Rwandans and that our history left us some problems and we are the ones who are supposed to find solutions. 

And solutions should come with the dignity Rwandans deserve "no one else can give you dignity, if you respect yourself and respect others they will also respect you in return.” 

The message in the above quote is the crux of the current success.

That is the secret behind the massive turnout to contribute towards the Agaciro Development Fund when donors interrupted their aid thinking they would arm twist the country.

This is why when Rwanda issued its first Eurobond seeking to raise $400 million, the response was nearly ten times the amount, because investors have caught the Rwanda bug and fallen in love with its investment climate.

The doors to further progress have been pushed wide open, an invitation to Rwandans’ to grab the opportunities out there. There should be no turning back.