Women should utilize the Guarantee Fund

Dear editor, While listening to a talk show on RTV on Thursday, I heard Senator Joseph Karemera say women in the country are underutilizing the Guarantee Fund put for them by the government in BNR.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Dear editor,

While listening to a talk show on RTV on Thursday, I heard Senator Joseph Karemera say women in the country are underutilizing the Guarantee Fund put for them by the government in BNR.

The government availed the fund in order to enable women change their quality of life by accessing loans for business undertakings.

In his discussion the Senator was also not sure of the reasons why women are reluctant to use the funds. It could be lack of sensitisation or any other reason.

But if its lack of awareness, then women especially in rural areas should be sensitised on the availability of the funds such that they can take advantage of it.

Women need to fight poverty among them and break the dependence syndrome.
