Bravo RIEPA and other regional investment agencies

Dear Editor, I would like to pass over my sincere gratitude to the Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency (RIEPA) for its outstanding organisation of the recently ended East African Investment Conference (EAIC).

Friday, July 04, 2008

Dear Editor,
I would like to pass over my sincere gratitude to the Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency (RIEPA) for its outstanding organisation of the recently ended East African Investment Conference (EAIC).

The organisation and awareness campaign was splendid bringing a big turnover of delegates from within the region, continent and afar. We as ambitions citizens of Rwanda are pleased to see such a successful event.

As citizens of the regional economic bloc, we are now awaiting investors with open and warm hands, as we have showed them our concern. Preparing the first of its kind well sets a very good precedent for others that will follow.

RIEPA and other regional investment agencies should continue with such courage in their investment promotional drive.

Concerned citizen