Issuing construction permits online is a milestone

On Monday, the City of Kigali unveiled an online system that is aimed at making acquisition of construction permits faster, simpler and easier. The online construction permit management information system could not have come at a better time.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

On Monday, the City of Kigali unveiled an online system that is aimed at making acquisition of construction permits faster, simpler and easier. The online construction permit management information system could not have come at a better time. The innovative intervention will go a long way in boosting the expanding construction and real estate sectors in the city. The initiative will also enhance confidence among investors besides reducing delays and curbing corruption, among other barriers to doing business. The City of Kigali mayor Fidele Ndayisaba should be commended for spearheading the project, which will attract investment in the construction sector. The system will not only promote the authority’s objective of having green city, but also make it a city of the future. According to city authorities, it takes about 10 days for one to get a construction permit presently. However, with this system in place, developers who fulfill all the requirements could now get permits in less than 10 days. But are developers and investors as well as other stakeholders ready for the big challenge the initiative has presented? This calls for sector players to shape up and ensure the system does not become a ‘barrier’ to their operations due to lack of requisite skills to use it.However, the city authorities should not rest on their laurels…let them look at other processes that impend business operations and solve them accordingly. The central government should learn from the innovation and adopt a similar system for the public procurement sector that is dogged with long delays.In the meantime, the City of Kigali should put in place safeguards to ensure that the new initiative runs smoothly and should not be a barrier to stakeholders.