Pick your fights wisely

Kids need to feel in control of certain areas of their life. They also need boundaries. Create family rules but ensure that there is flexibility too.Fights are based upon two people with opposing views-sometimes a third way can be found that works for both you and your child.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kids need to feel in control of certain areas of their life. They also need boundaries. Create family rules but ensure that there is flexibility too.Fights are based upon two people with opposing views-sometimes a third way can be found that works for both you and your child.

Look to find this alternate way. If there is no third way agreeable to both you and your child ensure you present your request in a firm but gentle manner. Remember to stay focused on the issue rather than trying to be rightIf you love your kids-put yourself firstFar too many children are living with a mom who is unhappy, frazzled and stressed out. Children flourish when they are raised in a home with happy, balanced parents. The best way to give more to your children is by giving more to yourself: by doing this, you can become a valuable role model for them of a happy, healthy adult.A key to good parenting is to have a happy marriage in which your children can thrive-a partnership which they can use as a model for their future relationships. Take a stand and put some time into your marriage-for your family’s sake!Cherish your childrenNo matter what your situation-no matter how often your children drive you crazy-know there are thousands of women in this world who would gladly trade places with you in a heartbeat. There are women who would give anything to have a child period. Strive to remember how truly fortunate you are. Tell them often how grateful you are to have the opportunity to be their parent and to become a better woman-and mother-for it!Teach your kids to fish (rather than fish for them)Many moms (and dads) do everything for their kids. This only robs their children of the opportunity to learn self-reliance-a vital key to their self-esteem. One of the best things you can do is to help your kids learn how to do for themselves.