Hundreds attend Liberation Day celebrations in Huye

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — Hundreds of Butare Cell residents and students, of area schools thronged Huye stadium to mark the Liberation Day yesterady. Cultural dances, songs and recitations from village bands and school musical groups highlighted the ceremony.

Friday, July 04, 2008


HUYE — Hundreds of Butare Cell residents and students, of area schools thronged Huye stadium to mark the Liberation Day yesterady. Cultural dances, songs and recitations from village bands and school musical groups highlighted the ceremony.

Officiatng at the celebrations, the district vice Mayor in charge of Finance and Economic affairs Ildephonce Gasana, hailed the then FPR-Inkotanyi, now RDF, for their contribution in liberating the country.

Gasana noted that the Liberation Day has got an added meaning for the people of Butare, because it was on the same  date that Butare was captured from FAR forces.

He said: "People living in Butare at the time will remember that at around 8.30am on July 4, FPR-Inkotanyi gained control of Butare town forcing the murderous FAR soldiers camped at the Butare teaching hospital to flee.”

Gasana paid tribute to the fallen members of the liberation, saying the only way to recognise their efforts is through doing what they fought for.

"We have to create a country free of poverty, a country that is governed  by the rule of law, a country where all Rwandans are united. It is through this that we will honour those who perished in its liberation,” said Gasana.

During the celebrations, the best Village was rewarded with cash prizes for their performance. Akabuye Cell topped the rest according to results of the evaluation exercise.

According to Annociatta Kambayire, the Ngoma Sector Executive Secretary, an evaluation of the nine villages in the Sector was conducted to find out how they are fairing in development programmes.

"We looked at the four areas of Justice, Social Affairs, Economy and Justice,” said Kambayire.

Different speakers during the celebrations urged against the genocide ideology still prevalent in some sections of the population.

Residents were asked to embrace development projects and to utilise credit schemes to improve their economic situations.

Celebrations in Butare Cell were climaxed by  bonding fete between residents of the nine villages that make up the Cell.

Butare Cell is largely made up of the town section of Huye town. The national Liberation Day celebrations  were held in Muhanga district in the Southern Province, while other celebrations to mark the day were held at Cell levels countrywide.
