Turnover increases marginally

The Rwanda Stock Exchange share index (RSI) went up 3.96 points yesterday to close at 224.15 compared to last Monday’s 220.19 points. The total turnover for the day was Rwf6.4m from 1,200 Bank of Kigali (BK) and 7,300 Bralirwa shares traded in two deals.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Rwanda Stock Exchange share index (RSI) went up 3.96 points yesterday to close at 224.15 compared to last Monday’s 220.19 points. The total turnover for the day was Rwf6.4m from 1,200 Bank of Kigali (BK) and 7,300 Bralirwa shares traded in two deals. Last Monday, the bourse realised close to Rwf6m turnover from 23,000 Bank of Kigali (BK) and 1,800 Bralirwa shares traded in five deals.Bank of Kigali (BK) and Bralirwa shares closed at Rwf200 yesterday compared to Rwf198 last Monday, while the Bralirwa closed at Rwf850, which was an increase from Rwf833 last week. Unchanged from last Friday’s closing prices. Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) shares last transacted at Rwf169, while Nation Media Group (NMG) shares last transacted at Rwf1,200.At the end of formal trading, there were 122,900 outstanding offers for Bank of Kigali (BK) shares at between Rwf200 and Rwf220 and outstanding bids for 97,700 shares at between Rwf180 and Rwf196. On Bralirwa counter, there was an outstanding offer of 138,800 shares at Rwf850 and no outstanding bids. On Kenya Commercial Bank counter, there was an outstanding bid for 1,500 shares at Rwf169 and no outstanding offers.