Primus Guma Guma road show fires up Nyamagabe

UNLIKE the inaugural road show in Rusizi a week ago that was characterised by a little drizzle, Saturday’s weather in Nyamagabe was favourable.

Sunday, May 19, 2013
Kanyombya entertains revellers at the concert.

UNLIKE the inaugural road show in Rusizi a week ago that was characterised by a little drizzle, Saturday’s weather in Nyamagabe was favourable.During the road show in the sleepy Nyamagabe town, not many carried homemade signs and posters confessing their love for the contestants, as was the case in Rusizi. It is also important to note that the public here was not really excited as it was during the first road show last week.However, despite the differences, hundreds of music lovers, mostly children and secondary school teenagers, were treated to performances by nine Primus Guma Guma Season III contestants.The only female contestant in the competition, Knowless did not show up as she was attending the Rwanda Day in London. Another absentee in Nyamagabe was Hip-hop star Fireman who, officials said, was involved in a road accident a few days before the road show.Rapper Bull Dogg was the first on stage but his hip hop swagger didn’t work its usual magic as he ran through his tracks, Customer Care and Cinema, among others.But, the artiste said he was proud of his performance. "The audience wasn’t upbeat like the one in Rusizi but my fans enjoyed. They were moving and dancing,” Bull Dogg told The New Times shortly after his performance."The important thing is that I am well prepared to do my best and am now focusing on the live concerts. That’s when we shall prove our abilities and differences,” Bull Dogg revealed.Next was the boy group Urban Boyz, who stormed the stage with their hits  Bibaye, Sipiriyani, Take it off and Bagupfusha ubusa, followed by Danny Nanone who chose his tracks, Narya Dance, Mbikubwire and Ikirori. Riderman performed Horo, Abanyabirori and his trademark Bombori bombori, which fired up the massive crowd and kept them dancing excitedly."I am very happy for him. I like his music,” said Alice Uwinema, a senior five student and a Riderman fan.R&B singer Christopher was up next on stage performing Iri joro, Uwo munsi and Habona. Eric Senderi stormed the stage with his ‘Abarayon’ single which roused the audience with some within the public waving their clothes in the air. Senderi, who was flanked by popular comedian Kayitenkole Ndjoli commonly known as Kanyombya, performed his other singles, Nsomyaho, Jalousie and Twaribohoye, prompting his fans to sing along.It was then the turn of Afrobeat singer Mico Prosper who belted out his popular tracks, Umutaka, Sinakwibagiwe and Akabizu followed by Kamichi who reminded his fans of his past singles including, Mwenyura, Aho Ruzingiye and Zoubeda, before concluding with Ibihuha and Imitoma.As dusk began to set in, emcees Anita Pendo and Tino invited Dream Boys to the stage. The duo sang and danced their way through their singles, Si inzika, Uzambarize Mama, Mumutashye, Jugu Jugu, and Isano among others. "It was a pretty good performance from our artists,” said Lillian, a fan.