Two prominent studios closed over tax arrears

Authorities of Nyarugenge Sector, have closed two of the country’s top music production studios over failure to pay their taxes.

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Ibisumizi boss, Riderman. Net photo.

Authorities of Nyarugenge Sector, have closed two of the country’s top music production studios over failure to pay their taxes.Ibisumizi Studio owned by rapper Emery Gatsinzi, commonly known as Riderman and Unlimited Records run by a series of producers, were closed by authorities of Nyarugenge Sector.The Biryogo-based studios were until yesterday still closed with a notice signed by the Nyarugenge Sector Executive Secretary Felix Masengesho pinned on the doors of both studios.The deadline to pay taxes by all commercial establishments elapsed on March 31, 2013, which means that defaulters risked being closed down and fined for failure to clear their taxes.The two studios are considered among the leading production houses in Rwanda. Efforts to reach Riderman who is taking part in Primus Guma Guma Superstar third season were futile.However, in an interview with the media, Killy-G of Unlimited Records said that it was an issue of negligence but the taxes will be paid."We were a bit reluctant but we always pay our taxes on time. We will soon clear the arrears with Rwanda Revenue Authority and resume operations,” the producer told the press.