Kenya Defence Forces chief visits

Rwanda Defence Forces Chief of Defence Staff Lt. Gen. Charles Kayonga introduces RDF officers to  his Kenyan counterpart Julius Waweru Karangi at the Staff and Command College in Nyakinama on Monday.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Rwanda Defence Forces Chief of Defence Staff Lt. Gen. Charles Kayonga introduces RDF officers to  his Kenyan counterpart Julius Waweru Karangi at the Staff and Command College in Nyakinama on Monday.

Gen. Karangi conducted a two-day official visit to the country that ended on Wednesday, according to a statement from RDF.  Gen. Karangi urged RDF officers to adopt transformational leadership and positive ethical values in order to succeed in their mission.

He also talked about regional security, focusing on military operations against Somali insurgents al Shabaab, saying the militia are a threat to regional and global security and called for collective efforts to fight against them, according to a statement from the RDF.