Hidden children: Would you stay or dump your partner?

Some people choose not to tell their current partners about children they had before they met. If you found out your partner had a child after dating awhile, what would you do?  Society Magazine’s Martin Bishop asked some individuals what they would do.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Some people choose not to tell their current partners about children they had before they met. If you found out your partner had a child after dating awhile, what would you do?  Society Magazine’s Martin Bishop asked some individuals what they would do.How can you ever trust a man who would hide something like that?  No doubt, everything he is doing to his own child, he will do to the children you have together.  I would definitely dump him with a bang!Martine Mukankusi, Gisozi.If I found out that my partner hid the fact that he has a child, I would politely bid him farewell. If a man is serious about you, then you would know his friends, child and rest of his family. I think in this case, his child isn’t the secret…You are the secret!Martha Jovial GahinjaWhat kind of freak denies the existence of a child? When someone deceives you to that magnitude, you simply can’t trust them. And living with a person you don’t trust is as safe as dancing with a snake.Martin Amani, LawyerSome ladies freak out the moment they find out you have a child. That’s one of the reasons men reveal their ‘out of wedlock’ children later. If my woman hid a kid from me, I would forgive her and help her raise the child.Gisa Shyaka, PublisherA man will tell you when he is ready. Not telling you when you expected him to does not make him a liar. If my fiancé did the same, I would understand that she did it for love and would forgive her.Erimeric Uwihoreye, Boda-boda cyclistI would get mad. But deep inside I would understand their fear and forgive them as long as they promise never to keep something important like that from me ever again.Alice Umuhoza, KacyiruWhat kind of person hides the fact that they have a kid? I think that is one of the first questions that people ask. What’s your name? How old are you? Are you married? Do you have any kids? If he can hide his own flesh and blood, what else is he hiding?  I would leave faster than lightening.Eveline Nkumbuye, KCB employeeA child is a blessing whether it’s yours or not. In such a situation I would confront him and tell him how offended and hurt I am. But I wouldn’t leave him or hate the kid. You see, love is not like a light switch which you can flip on and off at your convenience. Besides we all make mistakes.Yolanda Bazubagire, Primary school teacher