Kigali hosts world meet on environment

Delegates from several countries across the world are meeting in Kigali for a three-day workshop on how nations can adopt effective strategies to achieve the 2020 version of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Delegates from several countries across the world are meeting in Kigali for a three-day workshop on how nations can adopt effective strategies to achieve the 2020 version of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). 

The workshop attracted participants from local and international organisations, especially from environmental watchdogs. 

GEF comprises 183 countries in partnership with international institutions, civil society organisations and private sector that come together to address global environmental issues. 

The Director-General of Rwanda Environment Management Authority, Rose Mukankomeje, said the workshop will help participants share and learn how best to solve environment challenges.     

"This is an opportunity where focal points from each country meet and devise means or collectively seek lasting solutions to challenges and environment problems in various countries,” she said. 

GEF has been funding environment programmes and agriculture. Participants will have field visits to check on projects that have been funded by the organisation, especially in Bugesera and Ngoma districts. 

Susan Waithaka, who represented GEF, said there is need for stakeholders to meet so that they are up dated on the mechanisms that the organisation requires of them to secure equitable allocation of funds.

She said although member countries have done a lot in promoting and protecting the environment, more effort is needed to ensure that the required level of intervention from stakeholders yields effectively.

"This is one of the ways through which developing countries can come to acknowledge the requirements of international conventions for which GEF serves as a financial mechanism,” Waithaka said. 

Reports indicate that since 1991, GEF has provided $11.5 billion in grants and leveraging $57 billion in co-financing for over 3,215 projects in 165 countries. It is also reported that 16,030 small grants have been given out to civil society and community based organisations through the organisation’s Small Grant Programme.