Suspected poachers arrested in Akagera National Park

A sustained crackdown on poaching in Akagera National Park in the Eastern Province on Sunday yielded returns: five suspected poachers in Kayonza District were arrested.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Buffaloes graze in Akagera Park. Poachers have been preying on the wild animals. The New Times/ Alphonse Gakombe.

A sustained crackdown on poaching in Akagera National Park in the Eastern Province on Sunday yielded returns: five suspected poachers in Kayonza District were arrested.The suspects were arrested in Kageyo cell in Mwiri Sector as they returned from their illegal hunting in the game park.They are currently held at Rukara police station. Four of the suspects hail from Murama sector while the other one hails from Kabare sector."We got information from community policing committees in the area about illegal activities. We then mounted an operation with local authorities, which led to their arrest,” Supt. Steven Gaga, the district police commander, said."They had already killed two buffalos that day and we arrested them with about 100 kilogrammes of buffalo meat,” he added.According to Gaga, poachers clandestinely enter the park, kill wild animals and smoke their meat before selling it to area residents."We have had similar incidents. On has to commend the work done by CPCs and people living next to this park, because they have been vital in providing us with information of people involved in this illegal activity and majority have been apprehended,” he reiterated.The arrest of the suspects follows similar operations conducted in January and February, also in Kayonza which led to the arrest of over a dozen suspected poachers.Hunting in national park also called poaching, is illegal under Article 417 of the Penal Code.It stipulates that "any person who poaches, sells, injures or kills a gorilla or any other protected endangered animal species shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of five to 10 years or a fine of between Rwf500,000 to Rwf5 million or both.”