Youth urged on nation building

The Minister for Sports and Culture, Protais Mitali, has urged the youth in Rubavu District to always innovate ways of contributing to their country’s development.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Students attend a past youth event in Nyambirambo Stadium. The New Times/ File.

The Minister for Sports and Culture, Protais Mitali, has urged the youth in Rubavu District to always innovate ways of contributing to their country’s development.He was addressing hundreds of youths, mostly students in the district on Monday."Always think of what can be done for this nation’s development, unity and reconciliation. If we are to transform the country, we need to first transform ourselves and this starts with you,” Mitali said.He called upon the youth not to ignore the history, much as it may be bad.The youth who attended dialogue said it is their role to contribute to the nation’s development and expressed their willingness to do so."I was not born in Rwanda but I am a Rwandan, as long as I know what happened in Rwanda and what is needed to rebuild it, I am committed and willing to build my country,” said Jean Christophe Cyubahiro.Jacqueline Uwimbabazi, another youth said, "This dialogue has been a healthy one; I learnt that it is my homework to build the nation in various ways and hope to work with my peers to build a better tomorrow.”