Gashora girls scoop Yale scholarships

TWO senior Six students of Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology (GGAST) have been selected to participate in the Yale University Young Global Scholars Programme. Marie Celeste Dushime and Faustine Irebe Karasira (pictured right) will be attending the ‘Grand Strategy and ‘Politics, Law and Economics programmes respectively.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TWO senior Six students of Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology (GGAST) have been selected to participate in the Yale University Young Global Scholars Programme. Marie Celeste Dushime and Faustine Irebe Karasira (pictured right) will be attending the ‘Grand Strategy and ‘Politics, Law and Economics programmes respectively.They were selected from thousands of applications from all over the world.Karasira is the only student from Africa who was selected in her programme while Dushime will be joined by another African student from Tunisia in her programme.The two students received the news with excitement. "This is a great opportunity for me to express my views about my country and Africa in general to students from all over the world.  I know that my knowledge will be challenged, and I will learn so much that will help me contribute to my country’s development,” Karasira said.Dushime echoed a similar views: "I am most excited about the opportunity to meet other young leaders from all over the globe. This will prepare me better to be a future leader of Rwanda. The fact that both Karasira and I were accepted is a confirmation that Rwandans can achieve anything if they dream big.”Gashora Girls Academy Headmaster Peter Thorp said Karasira and Dushime are two of the most outstanding students at GGAST. "They represent the very best of Rwanda’s young women. To have the only students from the entire Sub-Saharan Africa coming from our school is a tribute not only to these two extraordinary young women, but also GGAST teachers, especially our university counsellor Amy Thorp, and the families of the two girls who encouraged them to apply. I know that Karasira and Dushime will represent Gashora Girls Academy and the entire country of Rwanda extremely well.”