ICAP-Rwanda contributes to Agaciro

Staff members of the International Centre for Aids Care and Treatment Programmes Rwanda, yesterday, made the latest contribution to the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF), boosting it with Rwf 8 million. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Staff members of the International Centre for Aids Care and Treatment Programmes Rwanda, yesterday, made the latest contribution to the Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF), boosting it with Rwf 8 million. 

Speaking on behalf of the employees, Emmanuel Muhinda (L), who is the organisation’s finance manager, said staff members sought to join other Rwandans who have already made their contribution.

The head of Fiscal Decentralisation Unit in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Jonathan Nzayikorera (R), who represented the ministry at the event commended all those who contributed towards the Fund, saying they demonstrated commitment towards making the initiative a success. "As Rwandans, we need to be united and this will enable us to solve our own problems without necessarily waiting for others,” he said.

The Fund was initiated last August as part of efforts to promote the country’s self reliance and economic autonomy. About Rwf26.4 billion has been collected since then.  The New Times/  John Mbanda.