Knead your groin, but greet no body

I spent the whole of last weekend hitting google search engines with the hope that some overzealous scientist could have used his diminishing brain matter to research on what kind of ape species men who kneed their groin evolved from. I came back with headache instead. There was nothing. Instead, my annoyance for these breeds of men has multiplied ten-fold!

Monday, May 13, 2013

I spent the whole of last weekend hitting google search engines with the hope that some overzealous scientist could have used his diminishing brain matter to research on what kind of ape species men who kneed their groin evolved from. I came back with headache instead. There was nothing. Instead, my annoyance for these breeds of men has multiplied ten-fold! You will forgive me if I call them Neanderthals, after all, even that is an understatement.Isn’t the groin a private region of our bodies, whether it is covered in cloth or not? It is already disgusting and shameful enough for you to be seen in public pulling at your underwear as if you are imitating tennis star Rafael Nadal, so imagine if we begin looking at the health part of it.After kneading their crotch, these breeds of human masquerades–they don’t qualify to be humans, anyway–will go ahead to greet you. Yewk!Imagine whatever sinewy stuff one rubs! They will even go as far as pushing their hands into their pants as if they are tacking in their shirts, just to accord them a better way to pick their pubes. To sum it up, they smell it! This is as irritating as seeing someone remove gobs from his nostrils and going on to create a ball with it.We are supposed to be adults in the 21st century. With free basic education, not to mention adult education, why should I be subjected to a pre-Stone Age era behaviour by a breed of men whose decency went was buried with the umbilical cord cut out at birth?Save us from retching, men!  

- Noisy Maxi