I’m approaching menopause, how should I prepare for it?

Dear Doctor;I’m hitting menopause soon and quite worried because it feels like a transition and another stage of my life altogether. What should I expect? How should I be prepared for it? Cecile, resident

Monday, May 13, 2013

Dear Doctor;I’m hitting menopause soon and quite worried because it feels like a transition and another stage of my life altogether. What should I expect? How should I be prepared for it? Cecile, residentDear Claire,Indeed, this is a transition in the physiology of the body. You will have hot flushes due to decreased level of estrogens (female hormone). In this case your doctor will prescribe you hormonal replacement therapy and will need to see you regularly.Menopause is indeed transition to another stage of life but can be enjoyable. Take diet rich in iron and calcium, avoid fried items and much salt, get tested for diabetes and high lipids to avoid problems.  Because at this stage you are more prone to diseases like hypertension, diabetes, etc. If you keep busy, the uncomfortable symptoms like flushing, and feeling hot will pass off. Avoid hormonal contraceptives.  Be cautious as risk of getting pregnant persists up to few months after menopause as well. Why not write out some goals to help you better manage the peri-menopausal/menopausal symptoms you are dealing with and consult with your physician about medical interventions? Determine to take better care of yourself and move forward in this new phase of life. You, too, may find that this stage is a happier experience for you as others have reported.Additional information frompowertochange.com