Is my 4-month-old baby constipated?

Dear Doctor;My 4-month-old child seems to be suffering from constipation. I have tried to breastfeed her enough and give some little lukewarm water but it isn’t working. What should I do to help her? Claudine, 26, Gasabo.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Dear Doctor;My 4-month-old child seems to be suffering from constipation. I have tried to breastfeed her enough and give some little lukewarm water but it isn’t working. What should I do to help her? Claudine, 26, Gasabo.Dear Claudine,We advise you to consult a doctor to exclude any underlying problem which may affect the child.Children at this age are often constipated due to milk predominant diet. You can try giving  very small quantities of green vegetables soup (without salt or spices) or porridge to provide some fibre. In case of persistent  constipation you can put a glycerine wick in rectum or just insert small quantity of glycerine with clean finger in rectum, that should help.