Protests in Paris mark Hollande’s first year

FRANCE. Tens of thousands of leftist party supporters have marched through Paris to express disappointment with French President Francois Hollande’s first year in power.

Monday, May 13, 2013

FRANCE. Tens of thousands of leftist party supporters have marched through Paris to express disappointment with French President Francois Hollande’s first year in power.The Communist-backed Front de Gauche or Left Front brought out people for a march on Sunday on the eve of the anniversary of Hollande’s May 6 win last year over Nicolas Sarkozy.Al Jazeera’s Nick Spicer, reporting from Paris, said most of the protesters were those who had been laid off, students and unionists.He said the Left Front was demanding the creation of a constituent assembly and the scrapping of the EU debt treaty binding governments in the eurozone to austerity targets.