Chemical fertilisers aren’t good for soil and climate

Editor,Yes, this is appropriate advice for Rwanda. We have limited land and we shall leave it to our offspring. Various technologies are available which can be applied for higher production using limited land, as Mugoya says.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Editor,Yes, this is appropriate advice for Rwanda. We have limited land and we shall leave it to our offspring. Various technologies are available which can be applied for higher production using limited land, as Mugoya says.Inorganic fertilisers have long term effects on agricultural production. For Rwanda it even becomes worse considering the steep terrain which makes the hillsides vulnerable to erosion.Chemical fertilisers loosen the soil particles exposing it to erosion. So, apart from the Nitrous Oxide effect on the Ozone layer, there is also the erosion susceptibility effect, all of which have negative effects on climate change.We however trust the Minagri team to be alert over this issue. Thank you once again for the article.James Munanura,Makerere University, Kampala, UgandaReaction to the story, "Farmers urged to limit chemical fertilisers”, (The Sunday Times, May 12)