It’s high time we started planning for retirement

Editor, I thank Robert Bake Tumuhaise for this commentary where he took his precious time to highlight and remind people to plan for their future.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Editor, I thank Robert Bake Tumuhaise for this commentary where he took his precious time to highlight and remind people to plan for their future.However, while the commentary concisely articulates the planning path one ought to undertake in order to reach at the desired future status quo, for me – as a secondary school teacher – it is almost impossible to attain it based on the current economies and other forces.In most cases the ideal planning process becomes impossible to apply due to the inability to attain the daily minimum requirements given the current real market forces. Take, for instance, the current living standards in any of the East African Community countries.Although I do not deny that there are some people who may be careless of their future, it is quite impossible for one to satisfy the minimum self needs and save a coin for the future! It’s only when governments will be able to create favourable economic conditions that’ll empower and enable their citizenry to fulfill what contents your good article holds.Muhanguzi Buzare, Bukoba, Tanzania******************This is undoubtedly a very great piece dear Robert. It’s one of the commentaries that prompt one to rethink of his future.My quick question is for our children to be considered as our retirement support source. We all know that sometimes things don’t go well with them and also the fact that they also have responsibilities, we tend to not fit into their budgets easily.I guess – when the right time comes – you will write for us another awakening article that may give tips to how that common old man or woman, who probably has never gone to school, worked with government, etc. can better plan for their retirement.Maybe it’s that piece of land they can better utilise and have savings, maybe it’s that small home in the village that will save them from renting, or maybe it’s those small wages they need to start passing through Umurenge SACCO, but everyone at any stage of life can plan for retirement without fully relying on the children though they also serve a great support when one goes into retirement.Richard Niwenshuti, Libreville,GabonReactions to Robert Bake Tumuhaise’s commentary, "Have you planned for retirement?”, (The Sunday Times, May 12)