Tribute to the First Lady

A Mother with a Quiet StrengthShe carries within her a deep care and concern for those who’ve lost hope,

Monday, May 13, 2013
The First Lady cuts a cake with a group of children at a past Christmas Party. The New Times / Courtesy.

A Mother with a Quiet StrengthShe carries within her a deep care and concern for those who’ve lost hope,A dedication to find solutions to their struggles,She is courageous and gracious,She is a mother with a quiet strength.With both her heart and mind,She continually contemplateson how to touch more lives,Her beauty shines through the lives of people she’s inspired,She is a mother with a quiet strength. Her nurturing and gentle spirit encourages the youth to be the best they can be,Her humility is her emblem - pronounced and deeply engraved,She aspires to give a voice to all, She is a mother with a quiet strength.Her demeanor so positive and patient, Her soul so youthful yet so wise,Her heart abounds with motherly love, She is a mother with a quiet strength.We celebrate her for who she is: for her dedication,her beauty of soul and spirit, her humility and love.We honour our beloved First Lady, Mrs. Jeannette Kagame,A Mother with a Quiet Strength.Vanessa Ngoboka, Kigali.