Activists move to protect rights of women living with HIV/Aids

Women infected with HIV⁄Aids  should enjoy the same inheritance rights like any other members of the family, officials from the Women Network for Rural Development have said.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Women infected with HIV⁄Aids  should enjoy the same inheritance rights like any other members of the family, officials from the Women Network for Rural Development have said.Beata Busasa, the coordinator of the network at national level, made the call as she briefed  the media on Thursday about  the achievements of the project known as  Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights in the context of HIV⁄Aids and the gaps to fill."Much as they are infected, they are people like others. Each Rwandan, especially local leaders where these people live, should make it their responsibility to help them. Not too much efforts and means are required. All that is needed in most cases is advice, guidance and comforting them,” Busasa said.Previous reports indicated that women infected with HIV were most affected in case of the passing of their husband, where most are sidelined from the family estate by their in-laws because of their status.Officials said that the network launched a project two years ago as a pilot targeting Gasabo and Nyanza districts because of their big number of HIV⁄Aids infected women.Through the project, different associations have been created, through which the affected women meet regularly to discuss the problems they face and collectively come up with solutions, with assistance from the Network and local authorities.