Knitted accessories to make your décor standout

There is a demand for vintage items and knitted accessories. From cushions, rugs, and furniture, to lighting, storage, clocks and wallcoverings, it seems nothing has escaped this year’s trend of knitted crafts in interior design.

Friday, May 10, 2013

There is a demand for vintage items and knitted accessories. From cushions, rugs, and furniture, to lighting, storage, clocks and wallcoverings, it seems nothing has escaped this year’s trend of knitted crafts in interior design.Many years ago when I was growing up, girls were expected to know how to knit and cook by the time they hit adolescence. This is something I am grateful about today, for my cooking and knitting skills are with me to date.Those were the days when knitted and crocheted items featured so much in our homes. Then trends changed and people discarded knitted items and followed the new trends. Now there is a demand for vintage items and knitted accessories are back in vogue. From cushions, rugs, and furniture, to lighting, storage, clocks and wallcoverings, it seems nothing has escaped this year’s trend of knitted crafts in interior design.You can add some pop of colour in your décor when you incorporate in some knitted items to make your décor standout.Knitted poufsWe all know that poufs can be used as a comfortable seating, or as a practical table tray that is easy to move around as you would like to. Now for the knitted poufs, they are great for informal seating as they provide a cozy place for relaxation, and add a burst of colour to the room. These can be in any desired shape and size.Knitted rugsKnitted rugs add a sense of warmth and charm to a space filled with clean items and order. At the same time, the consistent, repetitive patterns of many knitted rugs come in modern designs that fit well with contemporary spaces. A rug can be a focal point in a room, especially when it is in multiple colours – it can be very striking. They are also very cozy. Used in your bedroom or the living room, it can be very inviting to just sit on it. Crawling babies can also be placed on these knitted rugs, from where they can play without hurting themselves. Knitted throwsThrows are very good not just for the bed, but for the sofa seats as well, especially in the evening when you want to cozy up on your sofa while watching TV. The throws keep you warm and comfortable while enjoying your movies. They look very good when folded and placed on the bed or the seat. They add a pop of colour anywhere you place them.Knitted cushion seatsStools with knitted cushion are a perfect addition to the knitting trend. Who would have thought that you can actually have seating cushions made out of knitting? This is the latest trend, and they are becoming quite popular in contemporary décor.Play around with these beautiful items that add some vintage feel to your home décor.