If your man watches soap operas, get help!

If your man rushes homes from work to watch soap operas, chances are someone or something tampered with his inner default settings. Although this is a free country and a person can do whatever they want to do as long as they are not breaking any law, this kind of behavior in a man, especially in an African man, is deeply worrying.

Friday, May 10, 2013

If your man rushes homes from work to watch soap operas, chances are someone or something tampered with his inner default settings. Although this is a free country and a person can do whatever they want to do as long as they are not breaking any law, this kind of behavior in a man, especially in an African man, is deeply worrying. TV soaps target women; in fact, the ‘soap’ bit of it comes from the fact that all soaps were originally sponsored by beauty product manufacturers. In their minds, the emotional feelings of a strong woman character who fights for her true love with determination appeals to women.If you watch and listen closely, you will see that everything about soaps is feminine. Unless Mr. I -love –soap operas is planning on hanging with the ladies all his life, he won’t know how to behave when he crosses over to man camp where topics are of a more masculine nature like sports, politics, cars and women. Can you imagine what his move would be if he got caught up in a fight?  He will most likely start to ponder on those soap operas that he watches and try to apply their nonsense to real life scenarios to sort things out. He will probably try to grab and pull the other man’s hair or lunge at his face and scratch him. Soaps are bad enough when watched by women. I have seen women’s attitudes change because of watching these soaps to the point of becoming dissatisfied with their relationships. Many women easily get influenced by what soaps show love to be; the glamorous ways men treat women causing them to be discontent with their not-so-glamorous husbands. They start to dream of a life like that forgetting that reality is nothing like soap operas and will never be.Whatever appears on TV is not reality. Guys, if one of these days you come home and your wife asks you questions like, ‘When was the last time you ever told me I was the most beautiful creature on earth?’ or ‘how do I know you were really where you said you were?’   Don’t wonder what got into her.But the biggest reason men hate or should hate soaps is because we know that women are going to compare their lives with what is happening on the latest soap opera.