Hundreds arrested in Eastern Province as police mount crackdown on marijuana

The Rwanda National Police (RNP) has arrested hundreds of suspects after mounting a massive crackdown on marijuana dealers across the Eastern Province.

Thursday, May 09, 2013
Hundrends of marijuana kilograms were burnt in Rwamagana yesterday. The New Times /S. Rwembeho.

The Rwanda National Police (RNP) has arrested hundreds of suspects after mounting a massive crackdown on marijuana dealers across the Eastern Province.The operation involved police, local defence forces, local leaders and residents in the different villages yesterday.According to the Eastern Region Police Spokesman, Supt Christophe Semuhungu, the operation was triggered by increased drug related crimes in the districts and that  the police acted on a tip off from residents."We have arrested several marijuana dealers. The biggest number, however, seems to be in Rwamagana, where at least 93 people arrested involved in marijuana related crimes,” he said.Semuhungu, who is also the Regional Judicial Police Officer, noted that the suspects faced heavy punishment in accordance  with the law.Assistant Commissioner of Police Elias Mwesigye, the Regional Police Commander also warned the public against the illicit drugs, saying most of the suspects were youth."It is a shame that most of the arrested are youth. Why don’t you join agriculture activities, instead of stealing and smoking marijuana. It is a shame and a big burden to the country that young men and women are involved in such illegal business,” he told suspects that were paraded at a police playground.The mayor of Rwamagana district, Nehemie Uwimana, thanked Community Policing Committees,  for their "instrumental role” in identifying the suspects. Most crimes in the province are motivated by use of drugs, police say.