Fighting poverty

Dear editor, As it is well known a woman has a major role to play when it comes to fighting poverty. In Africa where poverty is like a chronic disease, women should no longer be considered inferior.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Dear editor,

As it is well known a woman has a major role to play when it comes to fighting poverty. In Africa where poverty is like a chronic disease, women should no longer be considered inferior.

The population of rural Rwanda is growing at a tremendous rate and the economy as well as the resources should be prepared to meet the needs of the population.

Through public health education where awareness on birth control and HIV/AIDS is taught, women in rural Rwanda will be able to fight poverty related problems that include among others; population growth and increase.

Already some action has been taken to implement these polices in rural Rwanda but results are yet to be observed.  The loop holes in these policies must be cemented and covered so that the already established plans are a success story.
