A political solution will bring peace to DRC

Editor, Many people, including myself, have come to understand that denial of the real causes of insecurity in the Eastern part of the Congo, continues to be the delaying tactics of the top leadership in DRC.

Thursday, May 09, 2013
DRC Senate President Kengo wa Dondo. The New Times / Village Urugwiro.

Editor, Many people, including myself, have come to understand that denial of the real causes of insecurity in the Eastern part of the Congo, continues to be the delaying tactics of the top leadership in DRC.Never shall Rwandans allow the West to continue tarnishing the image of our country in this whole mess. If anything, it is a broad daylight fact that the West are benefitting from this mess than any one else – in fact, the world is now observing and witnessing conflict of interest amongst the very ‘gold-diggers’!I am not sure the politicians behind the UN/SADC intervention brigade are well acquainted with the underlying causes of conflict in the North Kivu and Eastern Congo in general. A reasonably minded person would wonder what this brigade is going to do that the MONUSCO could not have done. Is this contingent going to be provided with the resources that MONUSCO has lacked over the years? Are they going to be more equipped, and motivated through huge salaries and insurance than the former? Certainly not.Time will come when someone will have to pay for their selfish decisions that put innocent life to risk. Whether one likes it or not, M23 are Congolese, and have the right to demand to be recognised as such by their own government.Like any revolutionary group, they do not deserve to be crushed by a foreign brigade. What a foreign party can help in such cases is to mediate and help find a win-win solution, if the causes of this revolution.And, indeed, the causes are justifiable, if not the DRC government could not have agreed to sit on the same negotiation table with M23 in Kampala.Agitating for war while at the same time you are pretending to talk peace is double standards.Abdul Kanoti. Rwanda*****************It is reassuring to see the Congolese coming out of the closet to finally own up their problem. If it’s not a gimmick, surely the solution can be said to be closer than we thought. This will be a victory for all Africans. I wish them the best in their negotiations. A word of caution: powerful detractors are poised to ensure the status quo.Muhamud, Kigali,RwandaReactions to the story, "Dialogue way forward, says DRC Senate chief”, (The New Times, May 8)