Caring for your breasts

If a woman isn’t happy about their breasts, then it will most likely affect their self-esteem.  First of all, they will always be covered up in sweaters or wear shawls even when the weather isn’t favourable for covering up.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

If a woman isn’t happy about their breasts, then it will most likely affect their self-esteem.  First of all, they will always be covered up in sweaters or wear shawls even when the weather isn’t favourable for covering up.

Breast health is therefore very important for every woman on the face of the earth. It’s imperative that every woman takes good care of this precious possession. So how do you do this?   The very obvious yet ignored tip is to keep your bras clean and change them like you change your other under wear.

Many women wash and change their clothes every day but it’s a different story when it comes to bras. Bras keep a lot of dirt if not washed especially if you sweat a lot. You don’t have to wear it once then wash it. If you don’t sweat, wash it at least after wearing it three times.

Just like the rest of the clothes you wear, your bras should therefore be kept super clean as well and changed once dirty. If they don’t fit anymore, then you might need to shop for others. Never buy a bra simply because you find it beautiful. Fitting and support should be the guiding principles in bra shopping, according to Hellen Abatoni, a nurse and boutique owner in Remera.

"Some women wear totally ill fitting bras simply because they think they are stylish. However besides the beauty of the bra, you should look out more for comfort and fitting. Women too need to do regular breast self-exams to ensure that they don’t have any complications,” she said. In case you detect a lump, Abatoni advises that one should seek medical attention immediately because it could be a symptom of breast cancer.

Abatoni also noted that incase women see a discharge from the nipples while they are neither pregnant nor breastfeeding, then they should see a doctor because that means their breasts are sick.