Love Letter to My Mom

When I was a student in boarding school, my mother used to send me all kinds of mail. Birthday cards, postcards, letters and eventually – around that time it started to become a popular form of communication – she started sending emails. To be honest, I rarely replied, I would happily read them and store them away. Still, she never stopped writing. 

Wednesday, May 08, 2013
My mom, Eva.

The Women Today magazine, in conjunction with The Point, an events management company, is celebrating the most important women in our lives. Our mothers. This year, to celebrate Mothers Day on May 12, we ask our readers to write a letter to their mother to tell them how they feel about them and the impact they have had in their lives.


When I was a student in boarding school, my mother used to send me all kinds of mail. Birthday cards, postcards, letters and eventually – around that time it started to become a popular form of communication – she started sending emails. To be honest, I rarely replied, I would happily read them and store them away. Still, she never stopped writing. 

Even now, as an adult, when I take short trips, it’s not long before a little "1” appears in my inbox "From: Eva Gara” - my mama. Sometimes they are long hilarious accounts of something interesting that happened to her recently. Sometimes they are short messages – just checking in. It would end with "love mingi, mama”. Those letters got me through so many difficult days – more than I can count.  

I know I am not eligible for the "Mama’s Day” writing competition since my mother is part of the organising committee, but I couldn’t resist a chance to send a letter to her after she’s sent so many to me. So here goes: 

I want to say thank you for everything. Thank you for being the coolest mom ever! As a kid, I was always so proud to introduce you and couldn’t understand kids who were embarrassed by their moms. I loved how you would wear jeans when the other moms wore dresses.  Thank you for encouraging my passion for art. For all the sketchbooks and paints you bought me – thank you. I think you believe more in me than I believe in myself. Thank you for being a friend to me – for listening to me go on and on about my day, even when your day was probably longer. Thank you for never being too busy to help me when I need it. 

Thank you for being a woman I can look up to. Thank you for everything you’ve taught me – and I still have so much to learn! Thank you for not just being my mother, but for being a true friend. 

I don’t know how I can ever bless you the way you have blessed me. I will ask God to do that for me. I will try to make sure all the tireless effort you’ve put into raising me doesn’t go to waste and I will make you proud.