Some of y’all need a reality check!

Last week this very magazine in The New Times had a very interesting main story  that talked about women taking back their cheating husbands/boyfriends  while Men’s Talk gave advice to a woman who was actually contemplating having a child with the man she was having an affair with.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Last week this very magazine in The New Times had a very interesting main story  that talked about women taking back their cheating husbands/boyfriends  while Men’s Talk gave advice to a woman who was actually contemplating having a child with the man she was having an affair with.

Women out here need some Oprah in their lives. They need some serious guidance. Do they now have talks with their girls over a glass of wine or tea, whatever your poison is, and discuss their lives?

I know we all reach an age where you cannot really comment on your friends’ decisions whether professional or personal, but really some of them need help and are simply too blind to realize it.

As I have mentioned before, I have always been the one to give a dose of reality but I am learning with time, it is not always your place to give advice.  It’s better to hold your tongue and mind your own business. But c’mon now! Women are really out there thinking it is fine to have a baby with a married man because supposedly his wife is unable to conceive? Why won’t he do it the proper way and let you go into an agreement with his wife to be a surrogate if they need a child? 

In Rwanda, where there is a pretty and smart girl on every corner we really need to value ourselves better. We should not have to forgive your cheating husband if you do not want to. Our government invests in us to have access to a better life where you do not need to rely on your husband. If he doesn’t think the marriage is working out then he should just let you know so you can come to a better conclusion than living your life having trust issues and wondering if he will do it again. 

Very few women and men are able to recover after learning that their partner has cheated. They can pretend but most do it for their families. 

Believe me, I know lots of kids growing up in homes with parents that are not happy. It is better to divorce than to make your kids grow up in a home with parents who do not trust each other.

Would you take back your cheating partner? Would you advise your friend to leave a cheating partner?