EAC varsities urged to embrace technology

The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) has called on universities in the region to adapt to new technology if they are to fit in its plans of harmonising the education system by 2015.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) has called on universities in the region to adapt to new technology if they are to fit in its plans of harmonising the education system by 2015.IUCEA is an institution of the East African Community (EAC) responsible for development and coordination of higher education and research in the region."Harmonisation of education systems requires a change of mindset (paradigm shift) to adhere to utilisation of modern technologies in teaching and learning,” IUCEA Deputy Executive Secretary, Prof Pontien Ndabaneze told students during a meeting in Bujumbura, Burundi, yesterday. The meeting brought together University students and academics from EAC partner states. "This will also solve the problem of access to updated teaching materials, to reach a big number of students without compromising quality, and address the shortage of academic staff.”Staff shortageThe official decried the shortage of qualified staff in young institutions of higher learning in the region, saying that this jeopardises quality assurance in those institutions.IUCEA is working on a harmonised and structured quality assurance system for the region which will enable its members to participate in cross-border education in and outside East Africa.According to Prof. Ndabaneze, quality assurance system will set common higher education quality standards for universities in East Africa as a framework for mutual recognition of education systems and qualifications attained"But another challenge is that many private universities are not members of IUCEA and, therefore ,do not adhere to quality assurance process. They risk being left behind in the process,” he said.Currently, of the 220 higher institutions of learning in East Africa, only 99 are members of IUCEA.As part of efforts aimed at ensuring quality education offered in East Africa, IUCEA has also started developing subject benchmark standards and procedures in academic programmes.