Exporters, the ball is in your court

The government has clinched a deal with Ethiopian Airlines to transport Rwanda’s exports to Congo Brazzaville.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The government has clinched a deal with Ethiopian Airlines to transport Rwanda’s exports to Congo Brazzaville.This has come at the opportune time and is a great relief to many an exporter, especially those who deal in produce and perishable commodities. The development has put to rest the long-running complaints about lack of a cargo plane to transport Rwanda’s merchandise to that part of the continent.However, as we celebrate good news, let’s not forget about important issues that can make or break the opportunity presented to the country’s business community. The airlines agreed to airlift at least 30 tonnes of cargo twice a week and the volume could be increased to 60 tonnes, depending on demand and market size in the Congo.But are the exporters prepared to maximise this chance by ensuring that they provide sustainable volumes? Getting a market and satisfying it is more than just signing agreements. So, the onus is on exporters to comb the countryside daily to ensure that they always meet the cargo quota allocated to them by the airlines.When this is done, efforts to expand trade into regional markets will surely benefit the country.Also, the government should put in place the necessary facilities at the airport to forestall any operational difficulties that could arise. Do we have cold facilities at the airport for the horticulture sector, for example? Can the exporters be given incentives to attract more business people to join the export sector and boost foreign exchange returns?  In the same spirit, the relevant institutions should up their game and ensure that the country produces enough to make the most of the new opportunity.