How to adjust in a new job

The time it takes one to adjust in a new job varies from person to person and job to job. While you may fit in immediately at some jobs, it may take a little longer in others. Business Times’ Ben Gasore caught up with some Kigali corporates and asked them for tips on how one can fit in effortlessly.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013
Workers consult each other. It is advisable for new employees to ask whenever they are not sure of what to do. The New Times / File

The time it takes one to adjust in a new job varies from person to person and job to job. While you may fit in immediately at some jobs, it may take a little longer in others. Business Times’ Ben Gasore caught up with some Kigali corporates and asked them for tips on how one can fit in effortlessly."There was this new worker who refused any help. I guess she thought it would make her look incompetent. "The result was that everyone thought she was a snob or the ‘I know-it-all’ kind. Some even vowed never to help in future,” notes Dedan Kimenyi, who works with Kenya Commercial Bank.Kimenyi believes that when new on a job, one ought to ask questions, be open-mined and willing to learn."After introducing yourself, know that it’s okay to ask questions. People, generally, like to help because it usually makes them feel good about themselves,” he notes."Remember, that it is better to do something right on the first attempt than having to repeat it.”Jidia Gasana, an engineer at MTN, believes that being friendly; one easily gets to know his or her co-workers and what their interests are.Figure out who has the authority to assign you work and those trying to have you do their day’s share."I worked with a woman who would try to give out her assignments to unsuspecting workers. It took a while to realise that she didn’t have the authority to give assignments,” said Bella Rukwavu, a City of Kigali employee.Rukwavu adds that one also ought to arrive early and not be in a rush to go home at the end of the day.Other tips include volunteering for projects that will help you get noticed, completing assignments in time and always keeping a positive attitude and an open mind.