Set up a special fund for unique innovations

A YOUNG Rwandan living in German has built a mobile phone application that markets Rwanda’s lifestyle hotspots.  Sangwa Rwabuhihi is a young man who represents a generation of young innovators carrying Rwanda’s flag high.

Monday, May 06, 2013

A YOUNG Rwandan living in German has built a mobile phone application that markets Rwanda’s lifestyle hotspots.  Sangwa Rwabuhihi is a young man who represents a generation of young innovators carrying Rwanda’s flag high.During an interview with this newspaper, the masters student said one of the challenges he is facing is to bring onboard sponsors to help him achieve his dream of making his innovation global. Currently his innovation is a purely Rwandan application.While his innovation might not turn heads, it is surely the beginning of a journey to greater innovations. Great innovations start from simple ideas. But it also takes money and a systematic plan to manage innovations.Government could look into establishing a special fund for great innovators who lack resources to implement their unique innovations. Although government has put several measures in place to support great ideas, specific innovations in science and technology, especially by the youth, should be given special attention. This can be done through setting up a special fund for unique innovations in science and technology.  Through such avenues, young innovators like Sangwa can be assisted to bring their dreams to reality.IT is a great achievement for one to perform extraordinary acts at a young age – but it is even more interesting when this is done in a developed country where it is hard to break through the ranks of innovation. This seems to be the story of Rwabuhihi. Who knows? Some people who started off with basic innovations have gone on to become some of the world’s best brains.