How to help a baby who doesn’t like breastfeeding

If the baby refuses to breastfeed, try pumping the breast milk out and feed it to the baby by bottle, cup or spoon according to the

Monday, May 06, 2013

If the baby refuses to breastfeed, try pumping the breast milk out and feed it to the baby by bottle, cup or spoon according to the will help to keep your milk supply going and give your baby the milk she needs until she’s ready to breast-feed again.According to baby centre, try encouraging your milk to flow by putting warm flannels over your breasts before a feed. A drop of milk on the end of your nipple may tempt your baby to feed.Try offering breast when your baby is asleep, or sleepy. Many babies who refuse to feed when they are awake will do so when they are dozing.The baby centre also advises that a mother can watch their baby for signs that they are hungry, for instance, when they are opening and closing their mouth, making sucking noises, opening their eyes or turning the head towards the mother.The baby may be more likely to breast-feed when you rock or walk her than when you are sitting or standing still. Also try different feeding positions, as your baby may find some positions more comfortable than others.Most importantly, visit a paediatrician for advice, especially if the baby has been breastfeeding well and suddenly stops.Midwife Mutamba says, a breastfeeding mother should also eat a variety of foods mostly comprising of whole grains, fruits and vegetables to change the flavour of the breast milk, hence encouraging the baby to feed and enjoy the tastes.However, always seek advice from a qualified paediatrician whenever the baby’s bad feeding habits seem to stay for longer than normal.