Why do I undergo heart palpations?

Dear Doctor;Lately, I get chest pain and heart palpitations. I went for check up and was found not to be having any heart defects. However the palpitations and chest pain worry me. What could be the causes and what should i do about it? Lawrence, 27.

Monday, May 06, 2013

Dear Doctor;Lately, I get chest pain and heart palpitations. I went for check up and was found not to be having any heart defects. However the palpitations and chest pain worry me. What could be the causes and what should i do about it? Lawrence, 27.Dear Lawrence,You seem to be already biased and linking the palpitations or chest pain with heart defects however it can be something else that has nothing to do with the heart. Chest pain could be linked to a problem with the lungs while palpitations could also be caused by Anemia, thyroid disorders or even pregnancy for women.In case you are a caffeine addict, you should lower your caffeine consumption not just in coffee but also in energy drinks for instance if you are a regular consumer of drinks like energy bull. However, you should visit the hospital for further consultations.