We can learn from the work ethics of ants

If we all had the work ethic of ants what couldn’t we accomplish? We would awake each morning and thank God for granting us another opportunity to be productive. Were King Solomon alive, he would probably confirm that this was the first thing on an ant’s daily agenda.

Monday, May 06, 2013
Kayitana ka Ruterandongozi

If we all had the work ethic of ants what couldn’t we accomplish? We would awake each morning and thank God for granting us another opportunity to be productive. Were King Solomon alive, he would probably confirm that this was the first thing on an ant’s daily agenda.We would then attend to personal hygiene and have a nourishing breakfast taken from communally- gathered supplies. This would be followed by a brisk walk around the village to loosen our bodies and sharpen our minds in preparation for a productive day. There would be brief stops to talk to our neighbours while being aware that there were things to be accomplished. In other words, less talk and more action.As motivated members of our community we would know what is expected of us and do it without waiting for the village leaders to remind us. Being equal before the law we would take personal responsibility and be held accountable to ensure that our duties are fulfilled and each carries their weight of responsibility. That would entitle us to the rights and privileges granted to all members of the community. In order for the community to have more privileges each person would have to work hard, spurred by the expected rewards that all are entitled to. No lazy individuals in positions of responsibility. Complete and effective teamwork to ensure the community thrives and prospers.There would be teams on the farms, on the lakes, in private and public offices, in hospitals and clinics, schools and school gardens, the executive, the legislature, the judiciary, the press, the armed forces and police, construction sites, private and public projects, banking and finance, private and public markets, and among the unemployed to ensure that they are not idle while other members of the community are busy working hard to increase the rights and privileges of all.These teams could adopt another ants’ trait, being focused. Teams without a focus on tasks that needto be accomplished will be teams of slackers, a drain on the community’s resources, instead of being a valuable asset. The focused and hardworking team members will be active in their community and society.Focused, hardworking teams in each village will eliminate all the overcrowded slums and potholes that exist on our roads, ensure that all homes are built according to regulatory standards and in safe zones, electrify and avail clean potable water to every household, facilitate the proper education and upbringing of all children and youth, participate in their children’s school activities, contribute to their school gardens, resolve conflicts in a just manner, replace incompetent and corrupt leaders, and nurture community sports and recreation.These mentally alert and physically-fit citizens will plant the best seeds and grow a nourishing variety of crops and pasture in abundance, access community development funds, use the most appropriate technology, and most effective management strategies to eradicate unemployment and ensure that all the villagers live a better life.Ants believe in, and practice, full employment. The queen ant mates and reproduces, the male ants takethe personal sacrifice of mating and dying for the common good, while the female ants are the workers that ensure all tasks are accomplished, thus ensuring the viability of their fellow ants. Hence, no one in the village should be unemployed. Each villager should be engaged in activity that is beneficial to the community, from sunrise to sunset. Then it would be time for rest and recreation, thanking God for a worthwhile day and praying to Him to grant us another opportunity to be productive.